1. Introduction
We, Imagineer Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we/our/us"), hereby set forth our privacy policy as we consider that contents business operators are socially responsible for protecting personal information, and further, we will operate and manage services so that you, our customers, can feel safe while using our service.
This Privacy Policy is applicable when you provide us with your personal information through the Service. If you do not wish to provide us with your personal information, you may refuse to do so at your own discretion. In such cases, please understand that you may not be able to use the Service.
2. Handling of personal information
[What is personal information?]
In this Privacy Policy, "personal information" means the information that you provide through the Service and from which you, as an individual, can be identified, or the information that is unique to you alone, as well as your customer ID number that you are notified of when you access the Service.
While you may refuse to be notified of the customer ID information by making requesting to the telecommunications carrier, you may not be able to use the Service if you make such request.
[Purpose of Use of personal information]
The personal information that you provide will be used when we need such information to provide the Service as indicated in the Purpose of Use below. Such personal information will be used within the scope of Purpose of Use that we have clarified, and will not be used for any other purpose without your consent. Your customer ID number will also be used to manage your access information for the Service.
◆ Purpose of Use
• Provision and improvement of the Service
• Identity verification for the Service
• Conducting campaigns, contests, questionnaires, etc.
• Delivery of products and gifts for the Service
• To distribute advertisements of us or third parties that are suitable for customers, and to measure the effectiveness of advertisements.
• To investigate fraudulent, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate activities.
• Responding to inquiries, complaints, etc.
• To provide other services related to the Service and after-sales service.
◆ Business Operator Handling Personal Information
Imagineer Co., Ltd.
[Provision of personal information]
The personal information that you provide will not be disclosed to third parties except in the following cases.
(1) Where you have given your consent for the disclosure.
(2) Where the handling of personal information is outsourced to a contractor within the scope necessary to accomplish the Purpose of Use that we have clarified to you.
(3) Where the use of personal information is shared with a co-user for the original purpose.
(4) Where the personal information is processed as statistical data into a state from which you, as an individual, cannot be identified.
(5) Where the provision of personal information is required by laws and regulations, and the like.
(6) Where the disclosure of personal information is otherwise allowed under the law.
[Safety management of personal information]
We will strictly manage the personal information that you provide, and will take preventive measures against its loss, destruction, falsification, divulgence, and other such events.
We will educate our employees on personal information protection, and will endeavor to ensure safety in the material and personnel aspects.
In addition, we will supervise contractors (including their subcontractors) in a necessary and appropriate manner. Regarding safety management measures of personal data, we have specifically formulated "Specified Personal Information, etc. Handling Regulations” and its main content is as follows:
(1) Formulation of Personal Information Protection Policy: In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, we have formulated this privacy policy regarding "compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.", "contact for inquiries and complaints” and other matters. In addition, we have formulated "Personal Information Handling Regulations" regarding handling methods, responsible persons and their duties with regard to the acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion and disposal, etc. of personal data.
(2) Organizational safety management measures: In addition to appointing a person in charge of the handling of personal data, we have clarified the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees, and has established the system for reporting to the person in charge of the handling of personal data in the event that facts or signs of violations of the Personal Information Protection Law or the Personal Information Handling Regulations are detected.
(3) Personnel safety management measures: Regular training is provided to employees on important points regarding the handling of personal data.
(4) Physical Safety Management Measures: In areas where personal data is handled, we cotrol employee's access and restricts the equipment they bring into the area, and implements measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.
Measures are taken to prevent the theft or loss, etc. of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc., that handle personal data, and measures are also taken to prevent personal data from being easily identified when such equipment, electronic media, etc., are transported, including within the business premises.
(5) Technical safety control measures: Access control is implemented to limit the scope of the person in charge and the personal information database, etc. to be handled. We have implemented a system to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized access from outside or unauthorized software.
[Query/correction/deletion, etc. of personal information]
When we ask you to provide your personal information, we will clearly notify our Contact Information. If you wish to query about your personal information, correct or delete your information, or take any other procedure under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information with regard to any of the items of the personal information you provide, please make such request to the Contact (User Support: Personal Information Desk). Once we are able to confirm that the request is made by the person to which the personal information belong, and if the prescribed requirements under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information are satisfied, we will disclose, correct, delete, or otherwise handle your personal information within a reasonable period and within a reasonable scope.
[Protection of information about those of you under the age of 15]
We will take utmost care in protecting the information about those of you who are under the age of 15.
If you are under the age of 15 when you provide your personal information, please make sure to obtain your guardian's consent beforehand.
3. Protection of personal information on linked pages
This Privacy Policy is applicable to the Service only. Accordingly, we cannot be held liable for the handling of personal information on pages at URL addresses that are operated by any other business operator or an individual and that are linked from or introduced by the Service.
4. Compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and other rules
We comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as relevant rules concerning the protection of personal information.
5. Information that is notified upon access
When you access the Service, we obtain information that determines the type of your mobile device in addition to your customer ID number. While the information to determine the type of your mobile device is used to manage your access information, it does not identify you as an individual.
6. Change to this Privacy Policy
We may change this Privacy Policy due to changes in laws and regulations, and the like.
7. Contact Information
We accept your inquiries concerning this Privacy Policy at User Support: Personal Information Desk.
Handling of informative data
We stipulate below the handling of informative data (*1) that we collect from users on the smartphone apps that we provide and operate.
(*1) "Informative data" means information about an individual, including gender, occupation, and hobby, as well as cookie information, IP address, ad-serving identifier, and other information concerning user identification, or access history, purchase history, and other log information concerning the internet use. Such information does not contain information that can identify an individual.
1. Informative data that we acquire
We acquire the following informative data.
(1) IP address.
(2) Log information, including histories of access and operation on our website or apps.
(3) Ad serving identifier (*2).
(*2) A string of characters derived from the OS of a smart device, including IDFA (Identification For Advertisers), that is issued on iOS by Apple Inc., and Advertising ID, that is issued on running Android by Google Inc. Such identifiers are used for "behavioral targeting advertising" and other such purposes, for the delivery of advertising according to users' interests and tastes.
These informative data do not contain personal information, such as name, date of birth, and other description, from which a specific individual can be identified.
2. Purposes of use of informative data
We will use users' informative data for the following purposes.
• Confirmation of the usage conditions of our website and apps.
• Displaying of the most appropriate advertising for users on the apps that we operate.
• Delivery of targeting advertising.
The informative data we acquire may be provided to third party companies within the scope of the above purposes.
We may collect, analyze, and use information regarding users' use of the Service by utilizing the informative data in order to improve the Service and enhance services. For this purpose, the Service uses the following tools.
Google Analytics (tool provider: Google, Inc.)
Google Analytics Terms of Use https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/jp/
Google Privacy Policy https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=ja#infochoices
Google Analytics uses cookies issued by us to analyze how users use the Service (access status, traffic, etc.). We will receive the results of that analysis from Google to understand how customers are using the Service. For more information, please refer to the following URL
Information about Google Analytics can also be obtained from the following website
3. Opt-out
If you do not wish to have targeting advertising delivered to you, and if you wish to deactivate our acquisition of relevant informative data, please see the relevant pages, etc. provided by Apple/Google.
4. Inquiries
For inquiries concerning the use of the informative data that we acquire and use, please contact us at the following.
When we receive an inquiry from a user, we may acquire the user's personal information. The personal information that we acquire will be used only for the purpose of handling the inquiry concerned.
User Support
Imagineer Co., Ltd.Shinjyuku Daiichi Seimei Building 15th Floor
2-7-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0715
5. Special Remark
Our company is a Japanese company and we administer this Privacy Policy under applicable Japanese laws and regulations. If you use our Service from outside Japan, you are thereby consenting for your Personal Information to be transferred to, stored in and be processed or otherwise handled in Japan and/or in other countries in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of your Personal Information represents your agreement to such transfer, storage, processing and handling of your Personal Information. Furthermore, you acknowledge that the privacy laws of Japan differ from the laws in the country where you are located and may not provide you the same rights or protections for your Personal Information as those laws.
Externally Transmitted User Information
When you use the Service, we use cookies, etc. to transmit your information to external entities for the purpose of making the Service more convenient to use, checking the number of users of the Service and their usage status, analyzing your information and delivering advertisements that are most appropriate for you, etc. Information to be transmitted, purpose and transmission destination are as follows.
Transmission destination: Google LLC. (Google Analytics)
Information to be transmitted: IP address, browsing and service usage history, device and browser information, performance data, and advertising identifiers.
Purpose of use: To analyze customer usage
Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en
Opt out: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en